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Data Strategy and Analytics Implementation

Industry: Retail

Existing Problems:

Lucky market, a grocery superstore, faced challenges in leveraging their vast amounts of customer data effectively. They lacked a unified data strategy, which hindered their ability to gain actionable insights and personalize customer experiences.


To unlock the value of their data and enhance customer engagement and loyalty.


  • We partnered with Lucky marketto develop a comprehensive data strategy and implement advanced analytics solutions. They consolidated and cleansed data from various sources, creating a centralized data repository. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, we enabled personalized product recommendations and dynamic pricing strategies.
  • Additionally, a customer segmentation model helped tailor marketing campaigns, resulting in a 8% increase in customer satisfaction and a 12% boost in revenue.
Supply Chain Optimization

Industry: Supply Chain

Existing Problems: 

Jinhui Freight Forwarding, struggled with inefficiencies and lack of visibility in their supply chain processes. They faced challenges such as inventory management issues, delayed deliveries, and increased international shipping and storage costs.


To optimize their supply chain operations, minimize costs, and improve customer satisfaction.


  • Wedeployed advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to optimize their supply chain. By analyzing historical data, demand patterns, and external factors, Yanc developed a predictive demand forecasting model.
  • This enabled accurate inventory planning and reduced stockouts by 25%. Additionally, route optimization algorithms improved delivery efficiency, resulting in a 10% reduction in transportation costs. The optimized supply chain led to improved on-time deliveries and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Personalized Shopping Experience

Industry: Online Shopping

Existing Problems:

Online retailer Nature Studio faced challenges in providing personalized shopping experiences to their customers. They lacked insights into customer preferences and struggled to deliver targeted product recommendations.


To enhance customer engagement, increase conversions, and drive revenue growth through personalized experiences.


  • We implemented a machine learning-based recommendation engine for Nature Studio. By leveraging customer browsing history, purchase behavior, and demographic data, the system generated personalized product recommendations in real-time.
  • This resulted in a 25% increase in click-through rates and a 15% uplift in conversions. Customers appreciated the personalized experiences, leading to a 20% increase in customer retention.
Product Selection and Product Recommendation

Industry: E-commerce

Existing Problems:

The online shopping website (they don’t want to disclose their name) was having difficulty in selecting and recommending products to its customers.They are not able to take into account the customer’s past purchase history, browsing behavior, and other factors when making product recommendations.


The company aimed to improveproduct selection and product recommendation capabilities, and increase sales and customer satisfaction.


  • We worked with themto develop a new product selection and product recommendation system.The new system used a variety of factors to make product recommendations, including the customer’s past purchase history, browsing behavior, and other factors. The new system was also able to learn over time, which allowed it to make better product recommendations over time.
  • After implementing the new system, theysaw a significant improvement in its sales and customer satisfaction. The website’s sales increased by 20% and its customer satisfaction increased by 15%.