Financial Services Solutions

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At our consultancy, we specialize in delivering tailored data-driven solutions for the financial services industry. With our expertise in analytics and deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by financial institutions, we help our clients unlock valuable insights, drive growth, and make data-informed decisions. 
                                                       Our suite of financial services solutions include
Customer Segmentation and Profiling

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your customer base through advanced segmentation and profiling techniques. Identify distinct customer segments, analyze their behaviors, preferences, and lifetime value, enabling you to personalize marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and drive customer loyalty.

Risk Analytics and Fraud Detection

Leverage advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to mitigate risks and combat fraudulent activities. Our solutions empower financial institutions to proactively detect and prevent fraud, identify anomalies in transactions, and strengthen risk management frameworks, safeguarding your organization and customers.

Marketing Attribution and Optimization

Maximize the return on your marketing investments by accurately attributing revenue and conversions to different marketing channels and campaigns. We employ sophisticated modeling techniques to measure marketing effectiveness, optimize marketing spend, and guide resource allocation for optimal ROI.

Predictive Modeling and Credit Scoring

Utilize predictive modeling and machine learning to assess creditworthiness, improve credit scoring models, and enhance underwriting processes. Our solutions enable you to make more accurate risk assessments, streamline loan approvals, and optimize credit portfolio management.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis

Uncover the long-term value of your customers and optimize your customer acquisition and retention strategies. Our CLV analysis helps financial institutions identify high-value customers, tailor marketing efforts, optimize pricing strategies, and improve customer lifetime profitability.

Partner with us to transform your financial services organization with data-driven insights and strategies. Our experienced team combines industry knowledge, cutting-edge analytics, and advanced technologies to deliver customized solutions that address your unique business needs.

Yanc Data Consulting

At Yanc Data Consulting, we are a dynamic team of  highly experienced data consultants and software engineers who share a common passion for turning data into actionable solutions. With over 15 years of combined expertise in industries such as retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG), supply chain, technology, and financial services. We founded Yanc Data Consulting with a singular mission: to empower small businesses with affordable,  achievable and actionable data-driven solutions.